Estate Boundaries
Maintenance Charged Boundaries
The maps below clearly outline the estate's boundaries.
Additional public maps can also be found in the Local Information section.
You will also find links to council planning applications and approvals for the original estate, including roads and pathways.
Detailed Map of the Main Estate.
Please provide any feedback or corrections.
1) Light Blue Shaded Homes: Shared Freeholders.
2) Dark Blue Shaded Homes: Houses/Apartments - Tenants.
3) Unshaded Homes: Freeholders.
4) Red Outlined Areas: Property Boundaries.
Maintenance Fee Zones
5) Purple Shaded Areas: Wastewater Pump - Maintenance Cost: AWMco.
6) Green Hatched Areas: North-East and South-West Meadows, including leveling ponds and trees. Maintenance Costs: NCO → Council? (Open questions remain regarding responsibility after council adoption as a nature park. See later notes for clarity.)
7) Bright Green Areas: Green spaces, bins, seating, trees, plants near houses, hedgerows, and the south meadow edge, including the exit footpath. Maintenance Cost: AWMco.
8) Beige Shaded Areas: Paths, roads, and underlying utilities. Maintenance Cost: AWMco.
9) Black Arrows: Street Lighting Posts - Maintenance Cost: AWMco.
10) Bright Green Arrows: Water Slope Flow Direction - Maintenance Cost: AWMco.
11) Miscellaneous Dark Road and Path Hashes (e.g., circles, rectangles): Manholes, drains, pipes. Maintenance Cost: AWMco.
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Map Highlighting the Estate Area at Handover (September 2024) - The Invoicing Zone
Key FEE Charges Information:
The Black Boundary:
This defines the area for which fees should only be applied in 2025
CREST upgrades the green meadows to Council-Approved Adoptable Standards
as per the required Planning Regulations.
Bins Are Excluded from Maintenance Fees Within This Boundary!
Efforts Are Underway to Have the Bins Removed from the Estate Entirely
as they are primarily intended for public use.
EMAIL Extract dated 16th Oct 2024
Please could you supply a copy of the plan of the areas being handed over, with dates of hand over, if known.
SPAMco reply: Please see ... photo, the area outlined in black has been handed over to residents for maintenance fees from 1st of September... (2024)
Zone Map: Awaiting Council Adoption
Status: Pending council approval. Current Condition: Unsafe
The area is currently deemed unsafe and requires extensive work to meet safety standards before it can achieve "Adopted" status by the council.
Key safety issues identified during site inspection:
- Scattered large boulders and pebbles: Present a significant risk of tripping.
- Plastic debris: Found both on the surface and buried, posing choking hazards for children, pets, and wildlife such as birds, deer, and foxes.
- Metal fencing and wire scraps: Sharp edges and loose pieces are both cut and trip hazards.
- Large holes and standing water: Increase the risk of slips, trips, and falls.
- Weeds and patchy grass cover: Poor landscaping leads to muddy, slippery conditions off pathways even after seeding attempts.
It remains unclear if NCO has fully acknowledged the need to address these issues. However, the council has indicated it will take legal action if the required safety and maintenance standards are not met.
Last Updated: 30th January 2024
Discussions with Crest Nicholson
Recent discussions with Crest Nicholson directors have shown some progress but highlighted key unresolved concerns:
Adoption Standards: Crest Nicholson directors admitted that further work is required to meet council adoption criteria. Non-compliance will result in additional fees for residents.
Bin Management: The placement and responsibility for bins remain contentious:
- a) The zone containing bins has yet to be handed over to residents.
- b) Maintenance tasks like tidying and grass cutting performed by SPAMco should not incur charges for residents.
- c) There was debate over whether bins are necessary, and if so, whether they should be located in public (council-funded) or estate areas (resident-funded). The technical director agreed to review this matter.
Rising Fees: Despite assurances that fees would remain under £400 for the next decade, they have already exceeded £500 within the first two months. This discrepancy raises serious concerns of misrepresentation.
Lack of Review Meetings: A promised review meeting between Crest Nicholson and residents, originally scheduled for August 2024, did not take place. The Sales Director committed to investigating why this was overlooked.
Impact on AWMco Fees
Important Note: Be cautious about extending the handover boundary to include "green zones" (e.g., bin areas) before full council adoption. Premature handover could result in these areas being added to resident fees due to the additional safety improvements required to comply with adjacent adopted zones.
Post-Adoption Responsibilities
Questions remain about who will manage and fund the maintenance of estate green zones after adoption. Given that these areas will be frequented more by the public than residents (as they feature bins and fixed seating with no clear boundaries), it cannot be assumed that the council will take responsibility. Liability and insurance agreements must be clarified to ensure accountability.
Next Steps
Review planning approval documents to verify the conditions outlined during the planning process and ensure compliance moving forward.
Photos of typical Waste embedded in the grounds top soils and dangerous trips hazards .
South Meadow Area: Adoption Map Overview
Please note the black boundary on the map, outlining the designated handover area as of 1st September.
As of January 2025, there have been no updates regarding the potential expansion of these handover zones.
According to SPAMco, NCO, the primary shareholder, has committed to funding the upkeep of the meadow until its official transfer to AWMco or formal adoption by the Council.
Albany Wood residents may consider contesting the inclusion of bin maintenance charges in their 2025 fees, as these bin locations lie outside the defined handover area shown on the black boundary map.
It’s worth noting that raising concerns about bin maintenance fees could inadvertently signal agreement with their inclusion. Meanwhile, significant work remains to bring the South Meadow zones up to public safety and natural wildlife standards, which are critical for adoption.
Due to ongoing issues with littering and unsafe conditions, these areas are not yet eligible for adoption. Opening access to bins in these zones without proper safety measures presents liability risks for both AWMco and SPAMco.
Discussions from the updated 30th January 2024 handover zone map remain critical, especially concerning the Brown Zone. The Council will either adopt this area or reject it if it fails to meet adoption standards by the developer’s completion deadline.
To view or download the map:
Download Council - Potential Adoption Zones
Publicly Available Maps and Council Planning Documents
Planning application for Albany Wood down load links
Approval Decision & Conditions
A Few interesting statements from within the Application Document follow...
Off-Site Strategic Footpath and Cycleway Contribution
a contribution in the amount of twenty one thousand, seven hundred and twenty nine pounds nineteen pence (£21,729. 19) towards a strategic footpath and cycleway along the southern edge of Bishops Waltham which contribution shall be Index-Linked
Informal Green Open Space and Open Space Maintenance Contribution
A contribution of nine pounds ninety two pence per square metre (£9.92) up to a maximum of 0.66 hectares (sixty five thousand four hundred and seventy two pounds (£65,472) towards the future maintenance of the Informal Green Open Space and/or the Open Space (as appropriate)
The Surety hereby covenants with the Council that if the Owners (i) fail to perform any of the obligations and covenants contained herein which are on their part to be performed or observed; or(il) if they are adjudicated bankrupt or if they shall go into liquidation voluntarily or otherwise; or(iii) if they execute a deed of assignment for the benefit of or otherwise compound with their creditors (except for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation) then the Council may, without prejudice to its other rights, remedies and powers for such non-performance or non-observance, carry out and/or complete the Common Parts and the Surety will forthwith pay to the Council a sum equivalent to the reasonable and proper expenditure which the Council may incur in carrying out and/or completing the Common Parts together with the Council's reasonable and proper legal costs incurred in implementing the terms of this Agreement PROVIDED THAT that the Surety shall not be liable to pay a greater sum than One Hundred Thousand pounds £100,000.00.
Where a transfer of land to the Parish Council or the Management Company is required by this Agreement and in the event of that transfer not taking place the Owners hereby further covenant with the Council that it will permit the use of the said land for the purposes in respect of which the transfer was intended and will grant all such rights whatsoever as are necessary to enable i) the enjoyment of the said land by the Council and the public for the intended purposes and (ii) the maintenance of the said land by the Parish Council or the Management Company (as the case may be) PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT the provisions of this clause 21 shall not apply where the Parish Council do not accept the offer to transfer the Informal Green Open Space to them pursuant to Part 2 of Schedule Two
Disputes. 20 day then goes through arbitration of sort via an expert unto possible injunction on either side -unlimited
Schedule two
Part 5B
That they will lay out and complete the Open Space Works in accordance with the specification and details Approved by the Council under paragraph 1.1 above and in accordance with the Approved programme (or such longer period as may be agreed by the Council) at their own expense and to the reasonable satisfaction of the Council
1. The Owners covenant with the Council as set out in this Part 5B of this
Schedule as follows:-
That within six months of the Commencement Date they will submit to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services for Approval by the Council:
1.1.1 a draft memorandum and articles of association for the Management Company; and
1.1.2 proposals for arrangements to secure the future management and maintenance of the Common Parts by the Management Company (which may include a transfer of the Common Parts to the Management Company or the granting of a long lease of the Common Parts by the Owners in favour of the Management Company) so as to ensure that the Common Parts are properly maintained, such proposals to include details of how the costs of managing and maintaining the Common Parts shall be met (by residents of the Dwellings or otherwise) AND for the purposes of this Part 5B to Schedule Two the reference to "Common Parts" shall include the Open Space should the Parish Council not wish the Open Space to be transferred to them pursuant to Part 2 above of this Schedule Two
What does all this mean worst case scenario and council does not Accept the open space ref FEEs
It means that the Open space is still be used as public space but the cost of maintenance falls to AWMco! i.e the. residents
Key Highlights from the Approval Document
BINs/FEEs and Relevant Documents
The approval references the Refuse Collection Strategy [Drawing 2572-A-1017-C], which was received on 31.07.2018.
Landscaping Conditions
Any tree or plant that is removed, dies, or becomes seriously damaged, defective, or diseased within five years of planting must be replaced with one of the same species and size, unless written consent for a variation is granted by the Local Planning Authority. The replacement must occur during the next planting season.
Bishops Waltham Footpath 43 (North-West Section)
Before the development is occupied, detailed plans for the works to the public right of way (Bishops Waltham Footpath 43), where it intersects with the estate access road in the north-west corner, must be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
These plans must include:
- Details of hard surfacing materials for the crossing section.
- Details of signage to be installed at the crossing section.
The development must align with the approved plans and be completed prior to the first occupation of the site.
Reason: To ensure proper and safe completion of the access point, as it intersects Bishops Waltham Footpath 43.
Proposed Cycleway Across the Site
Before the development is occupied, detailed plans for the proposed Cycleway traversing the site must be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
The plans should include the precise route, all associated features (such as gates and fences), and how the route integrates with the site at the north-eastern entrance and exits to rejoin the Right of Way to the west.
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